Be Kind
At Beyond Technology, we are committed to building an ecosystem that generates well-being and transcendence for employees, clients, strategic partners, shareholders, and society.
For this reason, we seek to work together to address the social and environmental needs of our planet, creating a positive impact.
What is Corporate Social Responsibility?
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a business approach that integrates respect for people, ethical values, community, and the environment into the company's management itself.
- What do we aim to achieve with our programs?
Corporate social responsibility is fundamental to Beyond Technology. In line with our vision and values, we aim to ensure long-term durability and sustainability.
This entails our ethical and sustainable commitment in all actions within our ecosystem.
In the Social Welfare department, we focus on:
5 Pillars
Social and Community
Quality of life
and inclusion
Strengthening actions aimed at consolidating the purpose of our company and expanding the Beyond culture worldwide.
Título Principal
- Aquí va el nombre del aliado¡UNÁMOS NUESTRAS FUERZAS!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt.
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Beyond Summer Kids
Los colaboradores compartieron su conocimiento y hobbies con la siguiente generación la generación del futuro.
Health and Productivity
En beyond sabemos que el movimiento es vida y con esta actividad aprendimos a ejercitarnos aún en la oficina.
Let's play together
En esa actividad jugamos juntos en línea y exploramos las nuevas tecnologías de la realidad virtual
Guess the area
Retamos a cada equipo de trabajo a dibujar cómo aportan al ecosistema Beyond y el resto tratamos de decifrar sus dibujos en una divertida sesión
Aquí va el título
Esta es una pequeña descripción de la secci´on de los logos de todas las asociaciones y fundaciones con las que Beyond colabora.
El catálogo de regalos de fin de año que está con tantos logos y artesanias
Social Wellbeing
Our Initiatives
- B Projects
- Social Actions Around the World
- Caps beyond
Our company has allocated a budget to support social causes of interest to employees in their specific regions. This aims to increase the number of people and places impacted by Beyond Social Responsibility.
The proposals to be submitted should be related to the following topics:
- Education
- Women
- Environment
- Elderly
- Children and youth
- Indigenous communities
- Nutrition
- Human health and well-being
In 2023, we decided to collaborate with BANCO DE TAPITAS A.C, launching an internal social well-being campaign centered around the collection of plastic caps. The goal was to contribute to the generation of economic resources to support various programs aimed at minors under 21 years of age diagnosed with cancer.
Banco de Tapitas provides assistance to patients facing cancer, offering support in kind or economically. This aid ranges from nutritional supplements, hospital support, medications or medical treatments, oncological wigs, lodging, meals, ocular prosthetics, among other forms of assistance.
*Beyond Technology is proud to be part of the registered companies officially contributing to Banco de Tapitas A.C.
Calendar Be Kind
Explore the social responsibility events and activities we have for you. Don’t miss the opportunity to be an agent of change and make a difference.
- There were no results found.
- There were no results found.
Be the change, you can be an agent of change as well
We would love for you to join our Be Kind philosophy and be part of a real change. Everyone in the Beyond family is committed to improving the world we live in. So, choose one of our activities and transform the world with us.
We aim for Beyond Technology members to become agents of change, promoting and carrying out various actions to make a positive impact on society.
How can you be part of these global social actions?
1 - Choose the social action to undertake.
2 - Carry out your social, altruistic, or environmental work.
3 - Submit your evidence, a photo, or a short video using our form with a brief description.
Once you complete your Social Action, Beyond Technology will reward your altruistic efforts by matching the support provided by the employee.
Activities you can undertake:
a) Donate at least an hour of your time to someone in need; the elderly, the sick, children, or people in vulnerable situations, abandoned, or homeless.
b) Share knowledge altruistically; music, language, reading.
c) Adopt a pet in need of a home.
d) Donate hair.
e) Donate blood.
f) Engage in recycling activities, such as creating a pot using only recycled materials.